Who is working?
Administrators can always see who and where is checked in and there is also a feature for users to easily call or text colleagues who are checked in and available. No positions or times are displayed to users.
Check in and out by SMS
In some situations, it may be better to check in and out by SMS instead of using the app. For example, if you have no data connection or an old mobile phone.
Tip – Time bank
The time bank continuously calculates the difference between expected working time and reported time. As an admin, you see users’ balances under “Time bank”. Users can view their time bank balance in the app.
Manage on your mobile
If you don’t know, you can manage the administration of Nuba in your mobile browser. Just go to nuba.se and select “log in”.
Choose the right positioning setting

Alarm when working alone
In the event of an accident, the app allows the user to quickly alert the manager with time and location. There is also a time-controlled alarm. The user sets a timer and when the time runs out an alarm is sent if the user does not stop the countdown prematurely.
Add Customer Cards
Link one or more locations to a customer. You can then easily produce reports per customer and you can easily save information about the customer. Activate the function under “Settings”-“Modules”.
The app allows users to quickly get directions to the locations you have entered. – They just need to click on the map tab at the bottom left, select location and then click on the two arrows icon.
Location description
Feel free to use the location description for information that the user may need on the location. They can easily find the description in the app. For example: port code, contact person or job description.
Facilitate manual check-in and check-out with NFC tags. The user simply holds up the phone against the tag to report time. Order tags below.
New features and updates
We are constantly working to improve Nuba. Here are the latest improvements we have made:
New features in work period
Now we have added 2 requested features to facilitate the administration of work period:
- Copy work shifts. Now you can easily add shifts similar to an existing one by selecting a shift and then clicking “Copy”. Before clicking “Save”, you can easily make changes to the pre-filled form.
- End a work session in progress. Click on “Check out” to end a work session in progress. The function suggests the current time as the check-out time or you can easily change it to any time. The button only appears for shifts that are not completed.
Now – Live activities in iphone
When you check in from the app, you will now see a Live activity on the lock screen and in Dynamic Island.
Here you can check your status and check out without opening the app. You can turn this feature off in system settings.

Remind and facilitate
As you probably know, we have two types of digital reminders, time-based and location-based. We also have a physical reminder – stickers. which you can order here:
NFC tags
Order tags to facilitate check-in and check-out. You just need to hold your phone against the tag for checking in and out.
Let us help you!
Do you have any questions or need help getting started? Call us right now.
If you want help getting started. We can quickly walk you through how easy it is to administrate.
Phone: 08-559 23 120